Sports Field Stormwater & Turf Drainage Liners
PVC and Woven Coated Polyethylene geomembranes have important applications in the design and management of sports fields and sport facilities for stormwater drainage on turf or grass fields.
Due to its low cost, durability, and application across multiple industries, PVC has been a trusted and preferred choice since the 1950s.
Why Are Geomembrane Liners Suited for Athletic Fields?
- Proven record of integrity under extreme conditions
- Superior flexibility for 3-dimensional performance
- Can fabricate large panels for up to 80% less field seams
- Long term survivability
- Custom size and shaped panels
How Are Sports Field Liners Fabricated?
PVC fabricated geomembrane liners by EPI are single-ply construction with Polyvinyl Chloride as the principle polymer. Only first quality virgin resins are used and all materials meet or exceed ASTM D7176 minimum specifications* for materials and ASTM D7408 minimum specifications for seam strength.**
PVC Liners for athletic and sports fields are fabricated by EPI in panel sizes up to 40,000 square feet, accordian-folded in both directions, and packaged for shipment to your site for quick and easy installation to save you time and money.
EPI utilizes statistical process control (SPC) to ensure the quality and integrity of each panel we produce. EPI is the only fabricator to remove samples from actual factory seams during the welding process for a rigorous, proven testing procedure that assures you of the hightest quality factory-fabricated PVC geomembranes for sports fields available.
For more information on EPI's Athletic Field Liner PVC material including specs, you can CLICK HERE.
EPI's PVC Sports Field Liner Project
Draped PVC liner used for sports field stormwater and drainage management.
20 mil PVC liner applicaton for a football field.
Woven Coated Polyethylene geomembranes are designed for easy installation and long life, featuring unique benefits that make it the most effective and economical choice.
What Are the Benefits of Woven Coated Polyethylene?
- Minimal thermal expression and contraction
- Extra strong resistance to tears and punctures
- UV resistant
- Polyolefin coatings for maximum liner toughness
Typical Applications for Woven Coated Polyethylene:
- Aquaculture
- Soil Remediation
- Oil and Gas Containment Ponds
- Exposed Application
- Stormwater, Wastewater, & Drainage Management
- Natural Gas Fracking
For more information on woven coated materials including specs you can CLICK HERE.
Sports Field Liner Project Ouline for St. Julien Park in Broussard, Louisiana
For more information on turf and field water and drainage management call 800-OK-LINER!
To request one of our free Product Sample Books, please email your name, phone number, and address to