Secondary Containment


Oil and gas producers in the State of Michigan are faced with providing protection from the potential hazards of crude oil, acid, or brine liquid spillage around storage tanks and load-out ramps. The standard of operation for many years has been to provide an earthen dyked area around facility storage tanks and concrete load-out ramps. However, due to regulatory "final clean up" requirements, it has become an economic necessity to provide a secondary containment liner around each facility to avoid considerable clean up costs should a spill occur.


UltraTech liner, prefabricated for one-piece installation. UltraTech liner is specified for its distinct advantages over other liner materials in petrochemical resistance, rugged weatherability, and flexibility. And, while a more expensive polyethylene liner will take a time-consuming in-place construction process, UltraTech can be factory fabricated in up to 20,000 sq. ft. panels, large enough to accommodate your entire facility containment. Installation is accomplished in a matter of a few short hours, providing savings in the cost of manpower and equipment, in addition to savings on the initial cost of the material.

UltraTech was developed to avoid environmental stress cracking, a problem associated with polyethylene products. By nature, UltraTech has very high elongation properties. It easily conforms three-dimensionally within dyked areas and can withstand the stresses of concrete overlay. In addition, rigorous lab and field tests show that UltraTech endures long exposure to sunlight and maintains its integrity through the extreme cycles of freeze, thaw, and heat conditions such as those found at Michigan well sites. These factors combined with UltraTech's proven compatibility with crude petroleum products, acid, and brine water ensure that this liner will provide the best solution - maximum protection - should a spill occur.

From our very beginnings, EPI has been the oilfield choice for liner products and services. And today, UltraTech, with its unique design and proven performance, has become the liner of choice for applications in secondary containment systems involving petrochemicals.


For more information, call 800-OK-LINER today!

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